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My 5th day of Eid

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when orang lain sume dah start keja, me baru terkedek2 nak visiting! huhu.. yeah, went visiting with my Fiance today.. Officially got to salam his tangan, mintak ampun for all the salah that I made towards him.. hehe..

and today, i also got to witness him salam with my parent, *cium lutut and all |terharu jap...|

*here in Sarawak, we usually salam (bersila), kiss their hands and cheeks and then cium the lutut of the ederly as a sign of respect*

oh.. can't wait for me to salam that way with him Next Year! hehe

anyways, after visiting my house, we went out visiting my aunts and a couple of friends. since everyone's at work, we spent quite some time at all the houses that we managed to visit! hehe

one of Beh's close and Photog friend had suggested that we took pics at his house together. since we haven't taken any Raya pics together this year, I greedily agreed! hehe

i'm feeling very generous today, so i'll be sharing some here :)

it was the highlights of my day today! hehe

but then, we got a scary moment when FMIL called to say that Beh's bro were taken to the ER bcoz of asthma.. went there only to find that he was already treated.. kesiannya.. huhu.. but Alhamdulillah it was all okay..

so now, i am back at home.. tomorrow's agenda will be meeting my tailor for akad's outfit.. huhu..

p/s: i can't get my mind oft this grey MNG denim leggings! MUST BUY TOMORROW!

♥ ♥ ♥