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benda bendi bendo

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some stuff that i bought while 'vacationing' last weekend :)

1. pengantin mag July edition: ada checklist for bridal preparation! yay! ♥liyanaJasmay
2. Nivea Visage Sparkling White toner and Moisturizer : beta sekarang udeh sedikit gelap gelita~~ huhu
3. Hirudoid cream: bad scar!
4. Lipglosses : one can never have enuff.. hehe
The Body Shop Liplife Gloss in Lively Berry (far right)
The Body Shop Lip Bloom in Soft Rose

i was never a fan of lipsticks. i prefer to wear glosses :) i think its because I have this mindset since i was a girl that lipsticks are for Moms only.. hehe

the verdict:

  1. lip bloom: limited edition, paler shade., can be used alone or wit lipstick and liner. stickyness: 3 out of 5
  2. liplife : bolder colours, more shimmery. preferably use alone as it's quite thick.

♥ ♥ ♥

8 Responses to "benda bendi bendo" (Leave A Comment)

Dayna says
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 9:09:00 PM GMT+8

Ma..brapa rega Gloss BodyShop?never bought one.yet.And apa beza Liplife ngn Lip Bloom ya?
(kmk sengaja sikmok maca post ktk pasal transformers kat debah ya,takut week insyaallah bok nangga..haha)

princess.dHani says
Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 10:01:00 PM GMT+8

dun worry.. sik mek cita papa lam post ya... hahaha

mek beli tek rm42.. nya promo buy 1 free 1 tek.. duak2 ya 42 lah

bezanya kaler n applicatornya...

lip bloom ya limited edition, nya pale kit, bleh gloss gya jak tau atas lipstick.

liplife ya terang2 gik kalernya.. n also nya lebih shimmery :)

mesti tangga tak oi! hehe

Nurmala Mazlan says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 11:16:00 AM GMT+8

saya ada beli masa sales aritu..ahahaha~ tp x tau la yg ni ke bukan

Dayna says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 1:38:00 PM GMT+8

owh..ktk mli cne?tak rasa Kch ada promotion ya juak x?
Kmk suka kaler lip bloom ya,tp mun sheer gilak sayang juak klak xpat pakei alone.hehe.

princess.dHani says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 2:08:00 PM GMT+8

mala: yup, tengah sale rasanya.. sbb satu store tu ada sale

princess.dHani says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 2:13:00 PM GMT+8

dayna: kamek meli d cbu marek.. mek sik pasti la kch ada ka sik..

aok, lip bloom bes gik pake, p mek sayang ndah nak pake.. haha

nya pake gya jak pun kacak koh..

Dayna says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 8:40:00 PM GMT+8

brapa colours available?
argh!..mun xda kat Kch rugila kamekkk...

princess.dHani says
Monday, June 29, 2009 at 9:30:00 PM GMT+8

da kat post kmk ya.. lip bloom2, liplife 3..

sik tauk mek koh.. hehe.. arap da la d kch

mun sekda raon cbo la.. hahaha