New Laptop♥
Attend Kursus Kawen♥
Convert to Lenses♥
Convert to MAC +thanks to sisAya+♥
Eternity Band♥
Marry my Roxsta♥
Be extra Fab for Wedding :P♥
iPhone 3G S♥ Camera♥
My Own Crib♥
Stardust Pink Swift♥
Transfer to Kuching♥
Holidaying in Bali♥
Add a member to our little family♥
Visit Japan♥
Prepare Bento for Beh♥
Do MA abroad♥
another coloring contest joined by my kids. this one happened on Saturday 23rd May,2009. it was held coincidence with the Karnival Perpaduan *or something like that*.. hehe
this time, one of my kids got the 1st prize for the 5yo category.. So, happy! for her! yay!