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Congrats my Babies!

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Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly at the Graduation ceremony just now. everyone had done their best for the show, and i am glad no one *aka me* didn't stumble down the stairs or anything. :)

yay! now that that's over, i am now proceeding to washing their Jubah *banyak woo.. huhu* and then catching up on some rest. I am soooooo tired.. huhu..

tomorrow will be another working day, and on Friday, balik kampung! yay! the preparation for my Wedding day is Finally starting! Weeee~~ hehe

Picking up my dress on Saturday, probably shoe and veil hunting with mom.. The Furniture will be arriving on Monday, so I have about 2 days to move the old bed out and put in the new one! hoho

can't wait! :)

♥ ♥ ♥