Its been about 3 week since ♥Dahlia started on solid food. So far she's enjoying her meal time a lot :)
It started kinda accidental. I was planning on starting to give her solid on her 6month birthdate which is May13th. But during one of the weekly visit to my MILs place, she ate a few spoonfuls of blended rice and carrot, originally Damia's food.. I thought ♥Dahlia would rejected them. But to my surprise she loves it!
So we went back home, excited, wanting to prepare her foods for the next day :) so far, Beh is so eager cooking her meal and I am so grateful and happy that he wants to involve in raising ♥Dahlia actively :)
Up to this day, ♥Dahlia's been eating potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, plain rice and rice with milk. Her favorite since day one is potatoes, plain boiled and blended - no other flavorings needed :)
I think I wanna introduce to her broccoli next, blended with sweet potato :) next month, maybe I'll start her with proteins :)
♥ you so much my baby. Hopefully you'll grow up strong, healthy and smart. Amiin
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone
♥Dahlia and solid foods
May 23, 2012 at 11:15:00 AM
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♥Dahlia and solid foods
nonny · 668 weeks ago
sik sabar nok try diff menus..but have to wait until she's abt 7mo huhu
hugs n kisses to dahlia ya!
shopaholic&hubby 37p · 667 weeks ago
♥Dahlia tok ganas gila mkn.. Mun lambat ckit suap alu tgn kita d taritnya.. Haha..
I really wanted to try spinach tp mak nya pun x brapa nk suka mkn spinach, how la.. Hehe.. P alhamdulillah so far she eats everything that I gave her.. Hehe
Siannya Alisha sensitive tummy.. P xhal lah Nai.. Xboh d rush glak lah.. Take it easy and slow. Every baby has her own pace bah.. :)
Hugs n kisses for Alisha too! :*
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone