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Hijab Inspirations | Dresses - me likey :)

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still busy as hell.. although its the second week of schooling now, there's still a few kids who throw tantrums everymorning, fussing about not going to school :( Haih, not really complaining about the kids, though. Its the mom I can't stand. If only they would just leave after sending the kids off, my job would be much easier.

Besides, how long can you stand waiting outside the classroom just because your child forces you to do so.. Let them be, wailing and kicking and all. When the sessions starts or they got tired of crying, they will stop. And trust us teachers. We won't beat the hell of your kids to make them stop. We do have our ways. Haih..

Ok, enough ramblings about work. I need to buy new tops and skirts now. I think my current wardrobe wouldn't be appropriate for a hijabi :)


and of course the georgeous Hana

